Full Texting While Driving Ban Supported By Florida Governor
There are 43 states that fully ban texting while driving. Florida is one of the states that does not, but that could soon be changing. Florida governor Rick Scott has come out in support in having a full ban on texting and driving in Florida, but will it happen?
Some of the Deadliest Roads
According to The Ledger, Florida has some of the nation’s deadliest roads. However, it is also one of the last few states to not have a full ban on texting while driving. Right now, the Legislature is considering a bill that would allow police to ticket someone for texting while driving. Scott said there are too many accidents in Florida where the drivers are distracted.
Texting While Driving is a Secondary Offense
Florida does have laws in place when it comes to texting and driving, but not a full ban. Currently, the Florida law states that texting by noncommercial drivers is a secondary offense. What does that mean? In order for a police officer to give you a ticket for texting while driving, you must also be committing another violation. For example, you must be speeding or run a stop sign before they can cite you for texting.
Why a Full Ban is Needed
The Arrive Alive Tour fully supports this ban on texting while driving in Florida. This is a dangerous issue that should be banned in all 50 states. These texting and driving facts prove the point on their own:
- The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year.
- Texting while driving makes a crash 23 times more likely.
- Every day, 11 teens die from texting and driving accidents.
- Texting while driving is six times more likely to cause an accident than drinking and driving.
- Nearly 330,000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving.
- 1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving.
- 75% of teens say their friends text and drive.
- 77% of teens say their parents text and drive.
- Every day, nine people will die from the results of distracted driving, which texting and driving is the main culprit.
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