Texting And Driving Programs: Learn More About The Arrive Alive Tour
Summer may not be the time when schools and communities are thinking of texting and driving programs. However, it definitely should be! The 100 Deadliest Days of Summer takes place from Memorial Day and Labor Day. That means we are right in the middle of that. We all enjoy time outdoors during the summer. Teens tend to be more prone to getting into a motor vehicle accident during that time. The Arrive Alive Tour hopes to help these teens by bringing their texting and driving programs to their schools to decrease distracted driving among teens!
Teen Driving
WTOV-9 reported some statistics for teen driving from AAA. They said, “More than 1,050 people were killed in crashes involving a teen driver in 2016 during the 100 Deadliest Days. That is an average of 10 people per day.” That is such a high number, especially since this is only 100 days out of the entire year! That means these numbers are even higher, which is scary. These accidents can vary with the reasoning behind them, from cell phone use to alcohol and drugs.
Texting and Driving Programs
The Arrive Alive Tour provides both drinking and driving programs, as well as texting and driving programs to schools and organizations across the country. This program brings a simulator to your campus or corporation. It gives participants a hands-on opportunity to experience the dangers of distracted and drunk driving. We also offer a new program for drugged driving. The texting and driving program from the Arrive Alive Tour was named to TeenSafe‘s list of 14 of the Best Organizations Fighting Distracted Driving.
Each program consists of a high-tech simulator inside a Jeep Patriot, which uses bluetooth sensors on the gas, brakes, wheels and steering wheel to create the real-life situation. The virtual reality headset lets the participant drive through different situations to experience drugged, alcohol-impaired or distracted driving. This allows the driver to experience the dangers, but in a safe and controlled environment.
Rave Reviews
Don’t take our word, or the word of TeenSafe! Previous participants of our texting and driving programs have given us some amazing testimonials throughout the years. Our road facilitators are friendly, professional and very informed. Nicholas Ownbey, a peer health educator with the University of North Georgia, shared his review. He said, “They (the facilitators) were able to interact with students so well. They were able to draw students in to not only come to the simulator but to our table as well.” The road crew was praised by another school, as they said, “I just wanted to take a moment and sing your team’s praises! . . . .They clearly understand the bigger purpose behind the efforts and it shows.”
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