Students At Hamilton Career Center Experience Arrive Alive Tour Simulator
The Arrive Alive Tour was recently brought to the Hamilton Career Center for the students to take part in. This initiative was sponsored by the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office, along with the School District of Oconee County, Anderson-Oconee Behavioral Health and others with the Oconee County Coalition. Texting while driving is a big issue among teens, so bringing the Arrive Alive Tour to the area seemed like a perfect way to try and combat these issues.
WSNW talked about the experience and Arrive Alive Tour in their article.
WSNW Article
The Oconee County Sheriff’s Office recently partnered with the School District of Oconee County, Anderson-Oconee Behavioral Health and others with the Oconee County Coalition and the staff of the Arrive Alive Tour to bring a simulator to the Hamilton Career Center in the Bountyland Community, explains Public Information Officer Jimmy Watt. “The Simulator, which was an SUV that was connected to a computer simulator, was driven by students to simulate what a person behind the wheel would experience either driving under the influence of alcohol or texting while driving. The simulator has been taken to different locations around the country. The vehicle itself is not cranked but it does simulate real driving as the steering wheel and the accelerator and brake pedals do work. The driver puts on a pair of virtual reality glasses, which I wore, and when you put them on, you see everything you would normally see when you drive down a road or highway. The simulator was set as though I had drunk a couple of alcoholic beverages before I got behind the wheel. The faster I drove, the more difficult it was for me to maintain the vehicle in my lane of travel and I swerved into the other lanes of travel as well. I even missed a traffic light due to the difficulty I had with maintaining my vehicle in the roadway. I had to drive slowly in order to maintain my lane of travel, which also presented another traffic hazard along with the fact that I was driving under the influence.”
Watt was given a fake traffic ticket and was cited for six traffic violations. The simulator from the Arrive Alive Tour gives those who participate an opportunity to experience the difficulty of driving a vehicle and performing the many different tasks of operating a motor vehicle while either under the influence of alcohol or while texting and driving. For more information, visit
Bring the Arrive Alive Tour to your area. For more information or details on the texting and drinking and driving simulator program, contact us here!
Source: 94.1 The Lake, WSNW
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