Distracted Driving Simulator Stops At University Of Wisconsin – Baraboo
The distracted driving simulator from the Arrive Alive Tour is back in action. The organization recently made a stop at the University of Wisconsin – Platteville to help teach the students the dangers of texting while driving and drinking and driving. The tour travels the country and this fall semester has them making many stops along the way.
Distracted Driving Simulator
For the simulation, the participants are shown the dangers of distracted driving. This can range from texting and driving to even switching the radio station or talking on the phone! The simulator allows the participants to experience the dangers of distracted driving, but in a controlled environment.
During the event, WKOW 27 stopped by and was able to talk with Christopher Emmorey, the simulator tech team leader for UNITE Corporation. He said, “In this simulator, we don’t set you up to fail. We set you up to react, there are cars, there are people that will get in your way or will veer towards you if you’re not paying attention you will crash.”
University of Wisconsin – Platteville Event
Not only did students get to experience the dangers of distracted driving, but they also got to see the consequences of drinking while driving. The drunk driving simulator was also available during the stop. This is a good things, as these facts show us why these are such big issues right now:
- According to the National Safety Council, a person is injured in an accident involving drinking and driving every two minutes.
- Two out of three people in their lifetime will be involved in a drunk driving accident.
- Texting while driving is even more dangerous. It’s six times more likely to cause an accident.
To see a video from WKOW at the distracted driving simulator, click here!
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