Drinking And Driving Simulator Brought To ABU By Arrive Alive Tour
Alderson Broaddus University was the recent site for the drinking and driving simulator from the Arrive Alive Tour. The simulator was brought to campus to reinforce the dangers of distracted driving and drunk driving.
Drinking and Driving Simulator
The drinking and driving simulator travels throughout the country, as it hits both the East and West Coast. The simulator allows the participants to see the effects of drinking and driving, but without being drunk. Max Vandewater, a member of the road crew for the Arrive Alive Tour, said, “We do that with our simulator in which the drivers seat becomes the controller for the virtual world. You put on a virtual reality headset, we usually use Bluetooth for the gas and brake and steering wheel, so it’s just very simple, very easy to use.”
An Important Lesson
The Arrive Alive Tour is brought to schools to teach an important lesson. It is to remind the students of how dangerous drunk and distracted driving are. Accidents relating to drunk driving are the largest killer of teens in the county. Vandewater said, “Texting and driving and drinking and driving are the main proponents of the number, so we’re out here to try to curb those. It’s really important to remember for people that texting and driving can be the same as drinking and driving. And actually causes six times the amount of accidents that drinking and driving does.”
The Alderson Broaddus Event
ABU officials brought the Arrive Alive Tour to campus not just because it is a fun event. They wanted the students to see the reality of these situations and keep that in the front of their minds. ABU Security Office Jeff Price said, “I think it helps make everything set in, especially after the simulation is done, and they hand them the citations and tell them well this is how many citations you would have racked up and this is how much it would have cost. They’re like, ‘oh, wow,’ and that’s when the realization hits.”
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