Underage Drunk Driving Statistics for Prom Season

This time of year, high school seniors around the country are celebrating prom, and hosting graduation parties and open houses.

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Drunk and Distracted Driving Statistics for 2019

  Car Accident Statistics in The U.S. – 2019 (Infographic) written by Raj Vardham,, carsurance.net May 17, 2019 Did you know

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Drunk Driving Simulator Wraps Up Tour of Essex County

This week students in Essex County, NY learned a valuable lesson about safe driving. The Arrive Alive Tour from Unite brought its virtual

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Distracted Driving Simulator Tours Tennessee

According to a new study by the National Highway Traffic Administration, Tennessee tops the list for distracted driving deaths nationwide.

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DWI Simulator Arrive Alive Visits Northeastern State University

On March 13, Northeastern State University administrators worked to educate students about the hazards of partying too hard during Spring

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Simulation shows dangers of driving impaired or drunk

UNITE’s Arrive Alive Tour visited Worcester County’s three high schools last week, providing students and teachers with a virtual firsthand

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Arrive Alive Visits The College of New Jersey for Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Distracted driving is a huge problem in today’s world. April is national Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and organizations like Unite’s

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Impaired and Distracted Driving Simulator: High School Students Learn Dangers Of Driving Under the Influence

As students get ready for spring break, this is a crucial time to remind them of the dangers of impaired

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