We would like to thank you for visiting our website. Since you visited, that tells us that you truly care about the well being of others. From distracted driving simulators to drinking and driving simulators, the Arrive Alive Tour could be the perfect program to visit your campus or corporation. We would love to hear from you, our brothers and sisters in health.
We strive to give you great, quality programs and bring awareness to the dangers of texting while driving and drunk driving. If you see something that you like or feel would be a valuable tool for your prevention efforts, including our distracted driving simulators, please call or email us at the Arrive Alive Tour.
At the Arrive Alive Tour, we are only concerned about one thing and that is furthering the education of people in the area of Total Health. If we can make a difference in just one life – then our life’s work will be worth all of the effort.
Again, thank you for joining our fight of prevention and education. Together we can bring about change and truly make a difference when it comes to distracted driving and drinking while driving.